Entries by IvanaKKatzAdmin

Breath of Fresh Air

It took me quite a while to realise how helpful taking slow paced, deep breaths was for restoring my balance … mind, body and energy. If you are looking to reduce the tension in your body and come back to being more open and present… then taking a few slow deep breaths is a simple […]

Your Embroidered Signature… owning what makes you unique

Do you have a desire to live more fully into your potential? Are you wanting to overcome your self-doubt and really step into becoming exceptional… owning and being your unique self? Feeling good about what makes you different? Do you have knowing within you that sparks the need to be discovering more? This strategy is […]

Hydrating Emotionally

Relating with other people is one of our core fundamental needs. Just as water hydrates the body and keeps it functional, so too does having multiple connections with others … they keep us emotionally functional, healthy, balanced and “loved up”!